Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Wedding Editing finished!

Finished the editing for my first wedding, and I am pleased with the outcome!
As usual there are definitely things I would change, but there you go, that's always the way.

Looking forward to getting a list through from PT4U to say exactly what i've got to do before next visit, just so I can get right on track etc - I'm obsessive with lists, which is actually quite a good habit to get into ;)

Don't know when i've got to submit my PT4U pictures to the team for a certain magazine (i'm not telling you about it YET, unless it doesn't happen for some reason or another), but if I recall it is two weeks - so I can hopefully edit some now (seeing as i've finished the wedding pictures) and then finish editing the medium format files once I get back from Devon as of next week Saturday.

Learning that fashion things tend to be last minute, but that's part of the excitement I guess.

Praying I don't get so nervous before photo shoots - when i'm there I love it, and enjoy it, but the lead up is always stomach churning. Maybe cos' i've only just started into the world of fashion, and it's all happening quite fast, I don't know. God's plan and everything is what i'm trusting at the moment, just going with the flow, and doing my best just as He asks.

Beginning to get used to this blogging stuff, and on another note i'm improving with balancing commitments (Church, Photography, Family/Friends, trying-to-get-work & rest).

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