Monday 31 December 2012

2012 - Summary & Prayers

If someone had told me a year ago what I would be doing in 2012 I wouldn't have believed them.

2012 has been an insane year.
It was during 2012 that I decided I wanted to take up fashion photography as a specialism, through the University of the Creative Arts.
Through 2012, unbelievably, I shot over 55 Fashion/Portraiture series, some of which I haven't even published yet (PT4U contract conditions). I've had 10 photographs approved by Italian Vogue, become a partner of Art & Commerce and Lightstockbranded my photography business complete with a website, shot for modelling agencies, won PhotoTraining4U's yearly Apprentice competition, shot two weddings, collaborated with some amazing artists and I've learnt SO so much.

Thank you so so much for everybody who has prayed for me and supported my work. I've been blessed with everyone who I've worked with and everyone who has been a great friend to me.

I genuinely hope 2013 is a fantastic year for you.

God bless you!

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