Thursday, 16 August 2012

Annoying thing about Published work..

I just want to highlight that this isn't supposed to be a rant AT ALL! Any kind of published work is an absolute blessing on any standard: to have so many people experience and view the work you have spent so much time and effort on is quite amazing, so don't get me wrong I love the idea of it.

I'm just a bit impatient sometimes, and the thing with trying to get work published you have to wait til' you get confirmation from whatever magazine/blog it may be before you can show people your work in the first place.

For example, i've had the PT4U four dress photographs edited for a fair while now, and I really want to be able to just lob them on my blog and the odd couple on my website ( but in case the magazine wants to be the first to launch the product, I have to wait. And it is the same case with a series I shot with 'Lucy Jayne' - I have just finished editing the photographs, and we want to see if any magazine/blog is interested in featuring the images, so, we have to wait to put them on our sites etc.

Just takes a bit of time I guess?

Psalm 37:7 - "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently before him"

My target before the next visit to PT4U is to shoot at least 3 other shoots (not including commissions etc) to experiment with.

Going to be away for a week at Momentum, and then i'll smash out some shoots :)

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