Wednesday 6 February 2013

MBD:10 Looks Sexy.

Recently I purchased the MBD:10 from the company "Mifsuds" and my camera is now ready for ANY shoot ANY time ANY PLACE!!!
Except if it's underwater.
That wouldn't work.

(This is the battery pack extension that sits on the bottom of the camera - you can also, in portrait mode, have the ability to use a second shutter release button so you're not twisting your wrist round in a gammy angle.)

So here is a corny little photograph I took on my phone.

Will be recording my FIRST ever video blog tomorrow!

How embarrassing...

What do you think of the new look of my blog then?

Romans 5:1 - "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"

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